Today in Pro Wrestling History (September 6): JR Says He’s Bringing Back Razor and Diesel

Today in Pro Wrestling History: On September 6th, Jim Ross announces on a special Friday Night edition of RAW that Razor Ramon and Diesel were going to return to the WWF.

Today in Pro Wrestling History (September 6): JR Says He’s Bringing Back Razor and Diesel

This confused commentators and fans, as Scott Hall (Razor Ramon) and Kevin Nash (Diesel) both left a few months earlier for big contracts in WCW. This would lead to a short-lived -and forgettable- heel run for JR when he disappointed the fans by introducing new wrestlers under the old gimmicks (Glen ‘Kane’ Jacobs as Diesel and Rick ‘Titan’ Bognar as Razor Ramon).

Here’s a another great wrestling story about the WCW:ย 10 Wrestlers Whose Names Were Ribs in WWE, WCW

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