Jimmy Snuka and Don Muraco – The Legendary Moment Remembered

Fans witnessing the Jimmy Snuka and Don Muraco match in Madison Square Garden never experienced anything like it. And in the many years since, fans haven’t forgotten.

A shot from the legendary Jimmy Snuka vs. Don Muraco steel cage match at Madison Square Garden, October 17th, 1983.
A shot from the legendary Jimmy Snuka vs. Don Muraco steel cage match at Madison Square Garden, October 17th, 1983.

Jimmy Snuka and Don Muraco – Nothing Touched It

The legendary Jimmy Snuka and Don Muraco steel cage match at Madison Square Garden on October 17th, 1983, was a magical moment that will live forever.

It culminated in the then at his peak Snuka, climbing to the top of the cage, leaping UP, before perfectly landing on a prone Muraco in what many consider one of the greatest moments in the history of pro wrestling.

I was there, and I want to walk you through this experience.

What Jimmy Snuka and Don Muraco pulled off wasnโ€™t an everyday occurrence although Iโ€™m told Snuka had been doing this in the territories prior.

You see, this was the pre-YouTube days, and for us fans present in Madison Square Garden were not expecting it one bit.

As Snuka climbed to the top of that cage, I was sitting with best buddy Scott Bernstein, and we were actually saying out loud, "No! Heโ€™s notโ€ฆ" Only he DID.

It was electric.

In those pre-cellphone days, when flashcubes were still in vogue, a zillion flashes went off simultaneously as Jimmy made his leap, and Madison Square Garden literally shook.

I had been there for the glorious championship โ€™69 and โ€™73 Knicks as well as the Bruno and Superstar Billy Graham bloodbaths.

Still, when I tell you I never experienced anything like THIS, the sheer excitement of that MOMENT, forever frozen in time, that was THE wrestling moment. Nothing touched it, and I donโ€™t believe anything has since.

THE Wrestling Moment

Iโ€™ve been attending live wrestling since 1974, and these two giants Jimmy Snuka and Don Muraco, are squarely locked in my top 20 of all time. Not only for their own feud but their other great rivalries, too.

The Jimmy Snuka and Roddy Piper feud live was as electric as anything Iโ€™ve EVER seen.

In his prime, heel Muraco, particularly as Intercontinental Champion, was as great a villain that ever set foot in the ring.

Month after month, heโ€™d defend that belt against such luminaries as former world champ Pedro Morales, and heโ€™d even face Bob Backlund repeatedly for the world belt.

Unfortunately, by the late โ€™80s, both warriors were past their prime, but from the early to mid-โ€™80s, few ever have or ever will touch these guys.

And I doubt there was ever a more accurate ring name than "Magnificent Muraco" because he most certainly was just that.

Watch the Legendary Leap off the Cage From the Jimmy Snuka and Don Muraco Steel Cage Match at Madison Square Garden:

YouTube video

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Evan Ginzburg is the Senior Editor for Pro Wrestling Stories and a contributing writer since 2017. Heโ€™s a published author, with his latest book, "Wrestling Rings, Blackboards, and Movie Sets," released on January 7th, 2025. He was an Associate Producer on the Oscar-nominated movie "The Wrestler" and the acclaimed wrestling documentary "350 Days." He is a 30-plus-year film, radio, and TV veteran and a voice-over actor on the radio drama "Kings of the Ring."