Bret Hart and Eric Bischoff: A Bitter Feud of Words

Never the types to hold back their thoughts, Bret Hart and Eric Bischoff have shared many colorful words about each other over the years!

Side by Side photos of Bret Hart and WCW's Eric Bischoff both in leather jackets
Bret Hart and Eric Bischoff. [Photo: WWF Old School]

Bret Hart on "Loser, Maggot" Eric Bischoff:

On the Sam Roberts Podcast, Bret Hart made disparaging comments about Eric Bischoff.

"WCW killed any kind of joy in your life. I think I started to hate money, and everything good was just bad.

"It was like, โ€˜Oh, I made only $100,000 this week, those bastards!โ€™

"The money they paid me was insane. Iโ€™d be off and then fly all the way down [to a town] first-class airplane, first-class luxury car, and first-class hotel, and have Eric Bischoff come up to tell me about 5 minutes after 6 oโ€™clock, โ€˜I gotta tell ya, youโ€™re off tonight!โ€™

"Iโ€™d say, โ€˜I flew all the way down here, for what?โ€™

"Heโ€™d say, โ€˜Donโ€™t worry. Itโ€™s a day off!โ€™

"You had so many days you had to work. While it would count as one of my contracted days, I didnโ€™t go all the way down there to dog it. I went there to work. I wanted to tear that place apart! I wanted to give them- I wanted to wrestle! Give me something, you know? They were so bad. They would kill any hope in anybody. They would destroy anybody.

"I donโ€™t have a good thing to say about Eric Bischoff or anything he ever did. That guy was, talk about the Midas Touch; he was the opposite. He could kill your career.

"He was too stupid to know what a career was that had actual passion. If you had a passion for your matches and had a genius for wrestling talent, it didnโ€™t mean anything to Eric Bischoff.

"He was the worst loser, maggot that ever got into wrestling. He was just the worst. I have nothing- he was a nice enough guy, but he was just the worst.

"I feel so bad because I went to WCW to really make a difference, and I think if you look at WCW and all the names that they had and all the wrestlers and all the other things, they had everything. They just needed somebody who knew what to do, somebody with half a brain.

"I have heard his quote, which is why I probably get pretty hostile about Eric Bischoff. He said, โ€˜Oh, Bret Hart came here, and he was like a broken toy. He didnโ€™t have the same fire.โ€™

"I could strangle him when I hear that because that is so not true! I was on fire wanting to take the world on; I wanted to take that whole company; I wanted to kick Vince right in the teeth by giving them the best matches. Give me Booker T. Give me Benoit. Give me Sting. Give me Hogan. Give me all these guys, and weโ€™ll get this thing really rocking here.

"But he was such an idiot. I would say all that right to him if he were sitting here. โ€˜You are an idiot, and you cost everybody!โ€™

"When you look at how wrestling is today, itโ€™s a monopoly. The wrestlers have no leverage of any kind. They canโ€™t go, โ€˜If you donโ€™t pay me, Iโ€™m going to go to WCW!โ€™ like the old days. That was so much better for the wrestlers because then we had a bargaining table.

"But today? No. And thatโ€™s all Eric Bischoffโ€™s fault. He killed the wrestling business. He was the worst."

Bret Hart went on to admit, "I like Eric. He was always nice to me. He had done some nice things for me, such as flying me home after my brother Owen died.He got a Learjet, and he flew me home, paying me the whole summer and winter at a ridiculous wage. He did a lot of good things like that.

"But at the same time, he lied to me and just killed my career. Like, โ€˜Sign this contract and join us, and weโ€™re going to kill your career! Thatโ€™s what weโ€™re going to do!โ€™"

Eric Bischoff – "Bret Hart is full of sh*t and needs a dementia check!"

A few weeks later, after Bret Hart made those disparaging comments, Eric Bischoff also was a guest on the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast and took the opportunity to respond.

While he didnโ€™t personally hear Hartโ€™s comments, he explained his own difficulties working with "The Hitman."

"I didnโ€™t listen to your show with Bret. Iโ€™m generally aware of the kind of things that Bret says because he has been saying them for years, so itโ€™s nothing new there. Iโ€™m sure he didnโ€™t break any news. Heโ€™s just a miserable guy.

"Heโ€™s the type of guy–and I said it in one of my responses on Twitter; he has a giant hole in his soul, and heโ€™s going to have to fill it with hate for somebody.

"When he came to work for me, he hated Vince McMahon. He hated everybody in the McMahon family; he hated Shawn Michaels; he didnโ€™t want to work with Hulk Hogan. He hated Ric Flair, he hated Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, he hated everybody, and I had to listen to that. It was a major effort to get him and Flair on the same page, which wasnโ€™t because of Ric. It was because of Bret; he just hated everybody."

Bischoff maintains that he treated Hart well while he was in WCW, even though Hart wasnโ€™t in the best condition of his career. He said Hart didnโ€™t make much of an effort to mix into his new promotion.

"If you just watched him or listened to him over the years, he was able to get into the WWE Hall of Fame, so he buried the hatchet with Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels. Of course, he did. But, you know, Bret showed up in WCW- it makes me laugh when he says he didnโ€™t like how he was treated because we paid him a lot of money and treated him extremely well.

"Here was a guy that would show up 45 minutes before television started, before a live TV show and he would show up looking like he was asleep in the gutter the last three days; and he had no energy, no real desire to integrate himself and insert himself in the process. He wasnโ€™t at all passionate about anything he did from day one."

Not long before the above-quoted interview, Bischoff took a less gentle approach on Twitter, calling Bret Hart "full of s***" and saying that he "needs a dementia check."

Eric Bischoff may have regretted those comments as he soon later deleted them from his social media account.

Purchase this Bret Hart and British Bulldog SummerSlam '92 inspired shirt on today!
Purchase this Bret Hart and British Bulldog SummerSlam โ€™92 inspired shirt on today!

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