Today in Pro Wrestling History (August 29): A British Battle between Bret & The Bulldog

Today in Pro Wrestling History: On August 29th, The British Bulldog defeats Bret Hart at SummerSlam for the WWF Intercontinental title. The event, which did not air in the United States until two days later, had an astounding 80,355 in attendance.

Today in Pro Wrestling History (August 29): A British Battle between Bret & The Bulldog

The match was billed as a ‘family feud’ between the two brothers-in-law. After the bout, Hart was originally unwilling to shake the hand of The Bulldog, before reconsidering and embracing not only Smith, but his sister, Diana Hart-Smith, as well.

Here’s a another story about the The Bulldog:ย Bret Hart and British Bulldog: True Story of SummerSlam 1992

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